

We are a Christian family in London Ontario Canada , hunger to see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit with miracles healings, signs and wonders .
We believe that we are called to lead a revival in this beautiful country so blessed by God. We invite you to get involved in this river of Glory to our God. We have a variety of meetings during the week, you can see them more specifically on our Web Page .
We are happy that your are here.
More about US

Meet Our Pastors

Pastors Omar and Diana Corredor are recognized as pastors by the Evangelical Association of Canada . They were called to be youth pastors in 2005 after having gone through different ministries since 2003 . In 2011 they were called to be Seniors Pastors of a ministry that after were called Renewed Glory Church.
From there their desire to live for Christ and to die themselves, they were led to travel to different places in America to receive blessings of great men and ministers of God ; Always with permission and guidance from your best friend the Holy Spirit , who is the pastor of Renewed Glory Church, and who change their lives completely since February 17, 2012 only for the glory of Jesus Christ.