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No Meetings in August

40 Weeks of a wonderful workshop in which you are going to be prepare and to learn to say NO to divorce and say YES to love.


The workshop has no cost, but you must purchase the package consisting of 2 books and a DVD for $ 25.

It's like you set aside $ 0.62 every week for your marriage.

The dynamic workshops will be held every Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM and we will touch on important topics such as sex and intimacy. We will take care of children for the convenience of many families :)

Couple Workshop
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Package Value $25



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Renewed Glory Church is a Christian family in London Ontario Canada , hunger to see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit with miracles, healing, signs and wonders . We believe that we are called to lead a revival in this beautiful country so blessed by God. We invite you to get involved in this river of Glory to our God. We have a variety of meetings during the week, you can see them more specifically on our Web Page . We are happy that you are here. 

You can suscribe to our page and receive a message when we have a special activity. Just fill out the form and check your email.
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© RENEWED GLORY CHURCH 931 Leathorne St Unit B-C London, Ontario N5Z 3M5
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